This page will include pictures from the history book of MD3.
Pictures will be in no specific order, just a look back on some of the fun!
Special thanks to MD3 Member Curtis Andrews for putting together this really nice display at
the Ocean Pines Library.
On display are a vest and colors along with some photos and awards that Maryland 3 has recieved
for the work we do in our community.
When not on display in the library, all of our items are displayed at the Countryside Cafe'
in West Fenwick Island.
Thanks for doing your part to promote the club!
Member Jim Gladwell presents Mr McMullen with pins to place on the colors he recieved in memory of his son lost in Iraq.
Mike McMullen was made an honorary member of MD3.
Red Knights get a little rowdy waiting for the Maryland State Fireman's Parade to start. Thanks to Ocean
City's finest things were quickly brought under control and everyone had a great time in the parade.
John Tartufo's bike and his sidekick Kahlua
Delmar Christmas Parade - Decorated and Ready
Red Knights Members have busy weekend
Parades in Delmar and Cambridge on the 4th and Salisbury on the 5th to celebrate the season.
2004 Beast of the East Bike Build Off
and scenes from
Delmarva Bike Week '04