Maryland Chapter 3 Red Knights International Motorcycle Club

MD3 Military Honors

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Burn Out Fund
A Very Special Birthday Party
Wheels for Noah
Grant a Wish Ride
Pics from Iraq

MD3 proudly uses this page to display the bios and photos of MD3 members and MD3 family members who are serving and who have served in our military.

Army Sgt. Michael McMullen

Army Sgt. Michael McMullen
  Salisbury Firefighter and Army SGT. Michael McMullen at the age of 25 was killed while fighting in Iraq. He recieved injuries while saving a fellow soldier after a roadside bomb attack.
    SGT. McMullen is a Hero, he did what he was trained to do and had no fear.
    Michael had a plan in life and part of that plan was to become a Red Knight as soon as he came home.
     Members of MD3 made that dream come true by presenting the family with Honorary Membership and the Colors he wanted to wear.

U.S. Army National Guard, Staff Sgt. Bryan Dykes

Staff Sgt. Bryan Dykes
     Son of MD3 member Michael Dykes, Bryan is a team leader with 13 years of military service in the Army National Guard. Bryan has been activated for future deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Mission objectives focus on force protection, peace keeping, stabilization, security and counter-insurgency operations.
     Bryan is married, a father of 2 and works as a career Firefighter/Paramedic with the Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Company.

Cpl. Eric Daniel Shirley

Cpl. Eric Daniel Shirey 
     He is currently serving in Iraq since January 22,2007.  This is his third tour and has been in the united states marine corps for almost five years. He will be home for two weeks leave on September 14,2007. When he returns to serve the rest of his year deployment he is reenlisting for four more years to serve our great country.. He has dreamed of being in the military since he was about three years old and has never wavered a minute three days out of school he left for marine boot camp and has never looked back..He is currently attached with the intel RCT-2 KV S-2 Unit 73910. He is stationed in Iraq. We are all very proud of him. Our prayers our will all the men and women serving our country and have served. Thank you for your dedication.. May God watch over our military until they all come home...John and Joy Fothergill proud parents of a United States Marine

If you are a member of MD3 and would like to have you or a family member who serves or who has served represented, please submit a photo and a breif bio to Sack by clicking the link below.

click here to submit


Last update by Sack..12-10-08 2120hrs